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Friday, 25 March 2011

Is 24 the Most Addictive Tv Series of Them All- Yes,With a 19% Vote

From 3000 movie and tv fans the verdict was Yes 24 is the most addictive tv Series. Kiefer Sutherlands 24 walked away with a chunky 19 % vote when it was voted as the most addictive series on TV. A big thank you to all the fans but wait,If you have never watched 24 and are catching up ,that tells me that this report is a little flawed. My thinking is that Bruce Lee was more popular in Africa and India than in China and the rest of the world.Pure hero worship is alive and well in Africa and added to the list of Rambo and Terminator will be 24. It has  run its course of season 1-8, the feature film  24 Redemption and we in the west are eagerly awaiting 24 The Movie.The drama that is 24 is still to be seen widely in Africa and there will be more fans once it gets underway including those who dont own a tv or a dvd player.

So who else ened up on the list?Well here are some of them
 24     -  19 % of the vote
Lost   -   17%
Friends-  10%
Heroes - 9%
The Wire- 7%
Prison Break 4%

I for one gave  up on Lost primarily because i got lost on the plot so I will give the extra vote to 24.Its one of a kind and to  catch up on this great drama or just get to know its key man Kiefer Sutherland Visit
Addicted to 24 website  or if you want to get cracking with 24 go to Addicted to 24 Store Now

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